There are many makes of cars around, each of the manufacturers have different models within their range of cars and some people can quote each of the models within the range. Each model of car has different features that help us to decide whether this one or that one suits our needs, or style, then there is the range of colours available…
Marine life has many different models, colours and features, the hard part is to figure out which is which. AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course helps us to see the different models and features of the species we see on a dive, Parrotfish and Wrasse look similar but they live in different ways. There are many models within the range of each species of Parrotfish and Wrasse. Another marine animal we see are Sharks and Rays, these are more similar to each other than people realise. These are the sorts of things that are brought to our attention through the AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course.
The AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course goals
The Project AWARE philosophy about protecting worldwide aquatic ecosystems
Fish family groupings and common characteristics of fish species found in the local area
Fish surveying techniques and strategies for collecting valid data
The planning, organisation and procedures for identifying fish families and species while diving
What’s included in the AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course
Project AWARE Fish Identification Reef Kit
Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Chevron (badge)
Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Certification Card
Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Certificate of Recognition
One day on a boat to complete the two (2) dives
Classroom time to check the Reef Kit, which includes Fish Identification Slates and survey data scan sheets
A pool session to practice diving entries, exists and polish your skills like buoyancy etc.
Who can become an AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Diver
Junior Open water Diver – 12 to 14 years old – Certified Adult maximum depth 18m
Open water Diver – 15 years up – Maximum depth 18m
What you need
Mask, Fins and Snorkel
Exposure Suit and Accessories (hood)
Weight System (weight belt/integrated weight with quick release)
Tanks (2 dives)
Regulator with SPG (submersible pressure gauge)
Alternate Air Source
BCD with low pressure inflator
Instrumentation with a means to monitor depth, time and direction
Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) or eRDPML
Diving Tool/Knife capable of cutting line
Slate and pencil
Whistle or surface signaling device
Dive Bag
Log Book
On a tight budget or schedule
Complete your AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course on a dive by dive schedule, you could complete one dive a week for two weeks, or one dive a month for two months depending on your budget/schedule.
For details on this option please speak to the Whitsunday Diving Academy team.
Questions and Schedule
For the classroom and pool you will need to bring your completed Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Material and knowledge review, swimmers, towel and dive equipment. For the boat trip you will need lunch, water bottle, swimmers, towel, hat, sun block and dive equipment.
Any questions about the Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course or the schedule, please speak to the Whitsunday Diving Academy Team.