Which way to the beach???
In the early days people would cross oceans just using natural events, moon, stars, water colour and bird life. We use the same techniques when describing to someone how to get to our house. Travel along Shute Harbour Road towards Shute Harbour away from Airlie Beach, the Bowling club will be on your left, around the left sweeping corner and look to your right there will be the IGA, we are almost straight across the road from them in the two storey A frame building.
Underwater we are able to do the same thing, natural navigation except there are not many bowling clubs or IGA’s. We use other natural navigational aids, when we combine this with using a compass we are more accurate remembering that navigation is to minimise surface swimming, more effective dive planning (air left in your tank) and good buddy contact. Remember to also look around, sometimes people just look at their compass and miss the Manta rays swimming beside them.
PADI Underwater Navigator specialty course goals
To develop your practical knowledge of underwater navigation
To enable you to plan, organize and make dives using natural and compass navigation techniques
How to interact responsibly with the aquatic life we will see while navigating underwater
What’s included in the PADI Underwater Navigator specialty course?
PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Manual
PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Chevron (badge)
Gold PADI Underwater Navigator Certification Card
PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Certificate of Recognition
One day on a boat to complete the three (3) dives
Classroom time to review the knowledge review in your manual and watch the PADI Underwater Navigator DVD
A pool session to practice the techniques of Underwater Navigation and review your general diving skills
Who can become a PADI Underwater Navigator specialty diver?
Junior Open water Diver – 12-14 years old – Certified Adult maximum depth 18m
Open water Diver – 15 years up – Maximum depth 18m
What you need
Mask, Fins and Snorkel
Exposure Suit and Accessories (hood)
Weight System (weight belt/integrated weight with quick release)
Tanks (3 dives)
Regulator with SPG (submersible pressure gauge)
Alternate Air Source
BCD with low pressure inflator
Instrumentation with a means to monitor depth, time and direction
Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) or eRDPML
Diving Tool/Knife capable of cutting line
Slate and pencil
Whistle or surface signaling device
Dive Bag
Log Book
On a tight budget or schedule?
Complete your PADI Underwater Navigator Diver Specialty Course on a dive by dive schedule, you could complete one dive a week for three weeks, or one dive a month for three months depending on your budget/schedule.
For details on this option please speak to the Whitsunday Diving Academy team.
Questions and Schedule
For the classroom and pool you will need to bring your completed PADI Underwater Navigation Diver Specialty Manual and knowledge review, swimmers, towel and dive equipment.
For the boat trip you will need lunch, water bottle, swimmers, towel, hat, sun block and dive equipment.
Any questions about the PADI Underwater Navigation Diver Specialty Course or the schedule, please speak to the Whitsunday Diving Academy Team.